Introduction Movies of Hosei’s English-based Degrees Introduction Movies of Hosei’s English-based Degrees Introduction Movies of Hosei’s English-based Degrees

Watch our introduction movies of English-based Degrees and find out
about our faculty and programs, campuses, courses, and other topics.


Faculty and Programs
- Find what you want to learn at Hosei

In our English-based Degrees, the courses are conducted entirely in English. Students without Japanese proficiency are able to get a degree in Japan.

- Learn what Hosei’s campuses are like

All of our 3 campuses Ichigaya, Koganei and Tama are located in Tokyo. GIS, GBP, and SCOPE students study at Ichigaya Campus right in the middle of Tokyo metropolitan area. IGESS students study for the first three semesters at Ichigaya Campus and for the following five semesters at Tama Campus located in the suburb of Tokyo.

Course Introduction
- Imagine what courses you want to take at Hosei

English-based Degrees offer a wide variety of courses with small class sizes. Here are short clips introducing some of the coureses.

- Get a deeper understanding on Hosei

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